28 Nov. 2011

LNCS proceedings is available online

25 August 2011

Pictures from the conference are now on the web.

15 August 2011

Online Registration is closed, but OnSite registration is possible.

26 July 2011

Updated info about venue, etc.

18 June 2011

Program published

13 June 2011

EXTENSION: Doctoral Symposium has the submission site open for 12 more hours (i.e., until midnight, Oslo time).

7 June 2011

Registration page for the main conference is open.

6 June 2011

Author notification: list of accepted papers available

03 June 2011

Submission site opened for the Doctoral Symposium.

04 Apr. 2011

Deadline Extension: submission deadline has been extended to 14 April (midnight Hawaii time)

29 Mar. 2011

Sponsorships are available for participants. See Registration page for details on eligibility criteria.

16 Feb. 2011

FCT 2011 is honored by the invited speakers:

11 Feb. 2011

One can use the FCT11 Posters for display with the purpose of advertising the FCT 2011 symposium.

31 Jan. 2011

A Doctoral Symposium event will be associated with the FCT 2011. See the specific CFP.

10 Jan. 2011

First call for workshops is out

15 Dec. 2010

First call for papers is out

14 Dec. 2010

Web Page is up

PmWiki uses a number of directives to specify page titles, descriptions, page keywords, and control the display of various components. Keywords are not case sensitive.

Shows a list of attachments of the current group or page, depending on whether attachments are organised per group or per page. The attachlist is displayed at the foot of the uploads page form.
The parameter to (:attachlist:) always resolves to a pagename. The directive then displays all of the attachments currently available for that page.
(:attachlist NAME:) shows a list of attachments of the group or page NAME.
(:attachlist ext=xxx:) specifies an extension for filtering by type of file.
(:attachlist *:) shows the uploads directory and permits browsing of all uploaded files by directory (will not work if $EnableDirectDownload is set to 0).

(:description text:)
Descriptive text associated with the page. (Generates a <meta name='description' content='...' /> element in the page output.)

(:keywords word1, word2, ...:)
Identifies keywords associated with the page. These are not displayed anywhere, but are useful to help search engines locate the page. (Essentially, this generates a <meta name='keywords' content='...' /> element in the output.)

(:linebreaks:), (:nolinebreaks:)
Honors any newlines in the markup; i.e., text entered on separate lines in the markup will appear as separate lines in the output. Use (:nolinebreaks:) to cause text lines to automatically join again.

(:linkwikiwords:), (:nolinkwikiwords:)
Enables/disables WikiWord links in text.

(:markup:) ... (:markupend:) or (:markup:)[=...=]
Can be used for markup examples, showing first the markup and then the result of the markup.
(:markup class=horiz:) will show the markup side by side instead of one upon the other.
(:markup caption='...':) adds a caption to the markup example.
(:markupend:) is not required when using (:markup:) [=...=].
Note that the placement of newlines is very important for this markup. If you are using the [=...=] option then the opening [= MUST occur on the same line as the (:markup:). If you are using the full (:markup:) ... (:markupend:) form then your markup code must appear AFTER a newline after the initial (:markup:).

Displays messages from PmWiki or recipes, for instance from editing pages.

Turns off the section of the skin marked by <!--PageActionFmt--> thru <!--/PageActionFmt-->. In the pmwiki skin, this turns off the display of the actions at the top-right of the page (other skins may locate the actions in other locations).

Turns off any groupheader or groupfooter for the page. (See GroupHeaders.)

(:noheader:), (:nofooter:)
(:noleft:), (:noright:), (:notitle:)
If supported by the skin, each of these turns off the corresponding portion of the page.

(:redirect PageName:)
Redirects to another wiki page.
(:redirect PageName#anchor:)
Redirects to an anchor within a page
(:redirect PageName status=301 from=name quiet=1:)
Redirects the browser to another page, along with a redirect message. For security reasons this only redirects to other pages within the wiki and does not redirect to external urls. The status= option can be used to return a different HTTP status code as part of the redirect. The from= option limits redirects to occuring only on pages matching the wildcarded name (helpful when (:redirect:) is in another page). The quiet=1 option allows the target page not to display a link back to the original page ($EnableRedirectQuiet variable should be set to 1).

(:spacewikiwords:), (:nospacewikiwords:)
Enables/disables automatic spacing of WikiWords in text.

(:title text:)
Sets a page's title to be something other than the page's name. The title text can contain apostrophes and other special characters. If there are multiple titles in a page, the last one encountered wins (see also $EnablePageTitlePriority about how to change it).

Creates a new line if there isn't one already there. See this thread for more info.
Similar to [[<<]]

Can I get (:redirect:) to return a "moved permanently" (HTTP 301) status code?

Use (:redirect PageName status=301:).

Is there any way to prevent the "redirected from" message from showing at the top of the target page when I use (:redirect:)?

From version 2.2.1 on, set in config.php $EnableRedirectQuiet=1; and in the page (:redirect OtherPage quiet=1:) for a quiet redirect.

Is there any method for redirecting to the equivalent page in a different group, i.e. from BadGroup/thispage => GoodGroup/thispage using similar markup to (:redirect Goodgroup.{Name}:)?

(:redirect Goodgroup.{$Name}:) works if you want to put it in one page.
If you want it to work for the entire group, put (:redirect Goodgroup.{*$Name}:) into Badgroup.GroupHeader - however, that only works with pages that really exist in Goodgroup; if you visit a page in Badgroup without a corresponding page of the same name in Goodgroup, instead of being redirected to a nonexistant page, you get the redirect Directive at the top of the page.
With (:if exists Goodgroup.{*$Name}:)(:redirect Goodgroup.{*$Name}:)(:ifend:) in Badgroup.GroupHeader you get redirected to Goodgroup.Name if it exists, otherwise you get Badgroup.Name without the bit of code displayed.

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:PageDirectives, and a talk page: PmWiki:PageDirectives-Talk.

Our sponsors:

The Precise Modelling and Analysis group Department of Informatics University of Oslo Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series The Research Council of Norway Det Norske Veritas (DNV) CISCO Systems, Inc.